J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr.: 健康且哺乳嬰兒的腸道微生物與免疫標記物在副食哺餵期間之轉變

Amarri et al. (2006) Changes of Gut Microbiota and Immune Markers During the Complementary Feeding Period in Healthy Breast-fed Infants. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.

1. 簡介

嬰兒無菌的腸道在出生後逐漸被細菌拓殖。雖然各研究的結果有些差異,但親餵與瓶餵的嬰兒之腸道微生物發育模式不同,哺乳嬰兒的腸道往往有較多的 bifidobacteria 和較少的 Enterobacteriaceae。在副食添加期間,哺乳的嬰兒腸道中的 enterobacteria 和 enterococci 數量漸增,隨後 Bacteroides、clostridia 和厭氧性 streptococci 也逐漸拓殖。



2. 解析


3. 句型

At present, the knowledge concerning changes of the predominant gut microbiota during the period of complementary feeding (introduction of food and drink other than breast milk) is limited to a few reports with a restricted number of children, different intervals of breast-feeding and relatively short follow-up periods.

In view of the importance of gaining more knowledge in this area, the primary objective of this descriptive study was to investigate changes of selected gut microbiota in exclusively breast-fed infants during the complementary feeding period (from ages 4 to 9 months) and to evaluate changes of markers of immune function and gut permeability (secondary objectives) during this important period of life.



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